I am trying a new website creator. Not sure I like it, but it will do for now. Holy Week is the most important week in the Christian year. Much was happening, much is mirrored in our personal lives today. Here is this collection of poems as they have been completed. Please feel free to comment in the section above. My prayer for you, though I don't know who you may be, is that you and the Father will be one in Jesus Christ our Lord and be led, blessed by the Holy Spirit each day as you in turn bless others. If I can pray for you in a particular way, please let me know. These poems will eventually be published in the book series, Sleepless Musings by d. cross riggs, through Amazon, KDP Direct. Vol. I is currently in print.



                            30 May 2024

 The blindfold of Justice was torn away today

by power thirsty people of clay, led astray

forgetting the Golden Rule, ignoring law

each foolish, leaving a National gash that’s raw.


Liberty, still stands, though under a strain

the Constitution, Bill of Rights, must forever reign

lest our Republic wither, wilt, fade

into darkness, far beyond Freedom’s cascade.


America, inflected as if a banana republic

where Bolshevik’s ideology triumphs, ideals are cryptic

patriot’s dreams turn to dust, if we allow

the pillars of our democracy to bow!


Tar and feather? a tempting reprisal

yet, the Rule of Law demands a firm denial

with due process, the blindfold restored

in our world, the Stars and Stripes again adored.


It must be, one vote for each citizen, none for the rest

our border security we must address

priority by skin pigments? let it be known

to discriminate thus, is a sin to bemoan.


Salute the Flag, kneel before God’s grace

or respect those whose beliefs have a different place

teach American values, loud and clear

echoing our Founding Father’s call so dear!

d. cross riggs ©️ 30 May 2024


           My Allegiance I Pledge


I pledge allegiance to my Nation so dear

defending her Constitution, a duty clear

Her flag: the red, white, and blue

calls for me to stand proud and true.


A Nation built on the rule of law

yet violence and crime are what we saw

in the news, in papers and on the screen

invaders with anti-American schemes.


For a torch of Liberty shinning bright

becoming an unfaithful ally, lost in the night

wildly spending as if there is no tomorrow

our inflation brings its heavy sorrow.


A balanced budget, common sense

but attempts always fail amidst the pretense

politicians’ policies, greed, often to blame

leaving our Nation crippled and lame.


Illegal aliens, change of name, it’s a shame

done by groups that scorn America’s name

“Howdy Doody Time,’ some seem to think

as we rush toward an abysmal brink.


Do we hear the sobs of pain from our God?

He gave live to man, whom He shaped from sod.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 22 May 2024


             Playing at 0400

awake against my will in the dark of night


Once upon a time I was born

an experience not forlorn

I grew, I goofed, I learned some more

laughing from my very core.


Playing was easy, in body or mind

in work satisfaction I would find

studies could be boring or fun

connecting the dots had to be done.


To love, to laugh, to kiss in tenderness

are memories of times of bliss

warm days in the Texas sun

the start of a new day just begun.


Learning that I am more than moving sod

that I was created and am loved by God

prayers answered or not according to my plea

the truth is, prayer changes me.


To have a good horse between your knees

walk, canter, run, or jump, worry flees

summertime heat, the sweat trickles down

winter cold, without a coat brings a frown.


Yes, I was born, long, long ago

many sunrises, many sunsets’ glow

joys, tears, and fears are memories past

they came, went, a moment doesn’t last.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 23 May 2024


       The Hole I/We Have Dug

(The 6th longest word in the Oxford

dictionary is below)


I fell into a deep, dark hole

if I could see, I’d be a mole

‘Twas my fault, it usually is

but goofs give live a special fizz.


Some days don’t start quite right

not necessarily leading to a fight

except within, sometimes with God

who made me, on His earth I trod.


Brain fog is better than brain dead

many problems are in my head

“antidisestablishmentarian?” maybe

what’s the price? things are not free.


If I dig the hole, I’m a post

cover myself within, I’ll be a ghost

maybe I can fence my life

then cull the worries and strife.


To live a life well-lived, consider mood

negativity hurts, it can be rude

then fill in the hole we’ve dug

cover it with grass, God’s green rug.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 24 May 2024


                 Memorial Day


Young men, young women, futures all

when they heard their Country’s call

stepped up they did, to do their part

taking the oath was a good start.


Defend the Constitution? Yes they said

otherwise, our Republic will be dead

against all enemies, near and far

for Uncle Sam they accepted war’s scar.


They marched, trained, in sun and rain

passed every test, their honor to maintain

Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard

to stem the tide of evil, always standing guard.


Serving at home, and also far away

uniformed services, uniform pay

they knew the truth of getting rich

no one ever did it by digging a ditch.


Shot and shell, disease, and unease

they did the job, were never asked “please”

separated from home, family, the familiar

working to bring the world back on kilter.


All gave some, some gave their all

trading their tomorrows for freedom’s call

they died that we might have our today

so in their memory, in silence let us pray.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 24 May 2024


                 In Memory


The faces, haunted by ghostly faces

friends, acquaintances, strangers

I knew them in life

now, swallowed by Death

so young, alive, futures so bright

the throb of life snuffed out

their sacrifice I can never repay.


Silence! Broken by Taps’ haunting tune

is all well without the sun?

the darkness of night, without a moon.


History, fashioned by a disease called war

began before Cain killed his brother

mortal echoes of cosmic battles

disturbing our day, our night

stones, knives, guns, bombs fall as rain

greed, lust for power, revenge, hate

sending so many to an early grave.


Silence! Muffled sobs linger with fear

Taps echoes still, a mournful sound

from eye, from heart, the living shed a tear.


From His throne in heaven above

God weeps for His creation

mankind created for relationship

with God Himself, with all others in love

but in the throes of rebellion comes nasty war

man rides hell bent to his own destruction

longing for the union of mortal and divine.


Silence! Once again, the final notes fade away

remember, honor, those who gave their tomorrow

that we might enjoy our freedoms today.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 27 May 2024


               Memorial Day 2024


Beneath cemetery sod their bodies lay

around the world

they who evil attempted to slay

but each is more than clumps of sod

living souls, belonging to God.


We come, each with a tear-stained heart

to pay our respects, remembering

days with them from whom we are apart

the shadows lengthen

no longer do they have a new day to begin.


Serving they died, these our Nation’s pride

for freedom and liberty

let us not our sorrow hide

giving thanks for them, they no longer roam

as we remember, safely in our home.


Do you see it? Our Nation’s flag flying!

calling us to sacrifice

whether it be in our living or dying

for the sake of others

we are all family, sisters and brothers.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 27 May 2024


            Blade of Grass


Written on my phone when I had

45 minutes of waiting time.


The grass was vibrant green

free of dew

alone walking 

sadly, just one not two.


Pausing, in comfort I sat

plucking a single blade

structure and beauty 

a major miracle in sun or shade.


Reflexting on herself, in silence

what was, no longer is

from deep within, a tear

life continues, with a different fizz.


Memories, sun's warmth, overpowering 

I dozed, perhaps slept

dreams, might have beens

from the mind's hidden depth.


Love is a complex affair tis true

with people, with God

the past is blurry, future murky 

it is in this present moment, I trod. 


My blade of grass is slowly dying

cut off from it's root

so we to live, need connection 

otherwise our living is moot.


The grass I left to melt into soil

fixed my gaze forward

hope, joy, tomorrow's promise

life can never be lived backward.

  1. cross riggs ©️ 27 May 2024

                  Holy Week

 Hosanna, the crowd yell and sing

the King approaches, praises take wing

All people, all nature, all creation

in this hour of magnificent anticipation!


Monday, Jesus confronts the fig tree bare

His curse, a withering affair

a lesson for humanity, heed God’s sign

fruitless paths lead to death, to decline.


Tuesday, Jewish Inquisition wants to know

Who is Jesus? Whose authority does he show

the answers they dread, truths fear

God’s refining fire may soon draw near.


Wednesday, misguided betrayal’s bite

wrongs to be done in shadows of the night

thirty pieces of coin, a price steep

Holy blood to spill, secrets to keep.


Thursday, at the table, the betrayer revealed

the covenant of bread and cup sealed

a lesson for the morrow, sorrow’s embrace

shadows lengthen, hope fades for human race.


Friday, total humiliation, pain indescribable

no one sees the cross as desirable

cleansing blood flows. This is redemption’s cost

in divine darkness, all hope seems lost.


Saturday, silence in the cold grave

disciples miserable, no longer bold, brave

past lessons forgotten, hopes burned

in quiet stillness, faith’s embers yearned.


Resurrection day dawns, a radiant morn

Jesus emerges, death’s chains torn

Victor over the grave, His reign secure

He is alive, the heart sing Hallelujahs pure!


Today, a miracle still awaits seekers bold

just as then, in a week, redemption unfolds

resurrection’s promise, eternal, deep

those who seek, in faith to Jesus arms leap!

            d cross riggs ©️ 24 March 2024


         Holy Week - Monday


Genesis, Creation’s marvelous story

God spoke, it then was a hit

even now the heavens declare his glory

though the arrogant man misses it.

God’s command to Creation multiply

fruitful applies to man, flower, and to tree

God said, so we need not ask why

yet, the logic of this modern man does not see.


Jesus saw the fruit tree, barren and bare

He cursed the tree

which doesn’t mean He didn’t care

the tree withered, for it could not flee.


A curse on the fig tree or a lesson for us?

both is a probably answer

He didn’t do it to make a fuss

for disobeying God is a deadly cancer.


Thus the lesson for Holy Week’s Monday

God is serious about death and life

but humankind prefer fun and play

then wonder why this world has strife.

            d cross riggs ©️ 25 March 2024


                    Holy Week, Tuesday


On Tuesday, the Jewish Inquisition’s veil descends

leaders seek answers, hearts unbend

who is this Jesus? Whose authority does He wield?

the truth they fear, God’s refining fire to conceal.


The miracles! give an explanation they ask

Jesus' voice, resonant, authority, takes on the task

did the people grasp secrets beyond abililty

it would upset life’s tranquility.


Each Pharisee harbored personal sin

only Jess discerns the truth within

A pit of vipers! Perhaps not from their birth

but self-purified, filled with unholy worth.


With calm, He answered. His depths revealed

those self-righteous souls, were unsealed

He laid their core bare

self-righteous hearts, they simply didn’t care.


Holy Week Tuesday, let us gaze inward

confess our sins, forgiveness sought, heard

extending grace who sin against us

Holy Week’s essence, a divine compass.

            d cross riggs ©️ 26 March 2024


             Wednesday - Shadow of Betrayal


Wednesday, Holy Week shadows lengthen

Judas wants Jesus’ power to strengthen

driving the Romans into the sea

Jesus, a different purpose, a different decree.


Attaining one’s heart’s desire

an ancient longing, a modern fire

deceit, trickery, stealth, Satan’s art

disregarding God’s sovereign heart.


Jewish leaders tremble at this upstart

Jesus evokes fear in their heart

He must die for their survival

traitorousness lies in Jesus’ inner circle.


How much? When? the calculating is stark

plans laid, shadows in the dark

modern Christians also plot, sway

denying God, their own desires they weigh.


Judas, like modern man, lacks foresight

foul deeds have a ripple effect in the twilight

Earth’s darkest day looms two days ahead

the goal is to leave God’s hope dead.


Holy Week unfolds, betrayal has a face

as it does today, in time and space

yet, redemption waits, the cross the price

victory not in shadows, but in Jesus’ sacrifice.

            d cross riggs. ©️ 27 March 2024


                    The Last Supper


The Last Supper, etched in history’s scroll

Jesus’s plan will touch each soul

thought the meaning eluded, veiled in mystery

The event holds a cherished place in history.


Bread! Bread! from the desert’s exodus so dry

nourishment that even gold cannot buy

secrets known only to God’s loving heart

in each life, it is a sufficient start.


The cup, not mundane, brims with significance

is vital, it has no insignificance

Jesus said, “This is My blood, shed for you”

making your sins white, through and through!


Judas, the Betrayer, treachery coiled within

knowing that Jesus knew of his sin

“Do what you must! a command, not a plea

reflecting our heart’s secrets, that God does see.


“This is My body! This is My blood!”

My redemption wipes away sin as did the flood

“Come, follow Me!” He calls to each of us

be a man, a woman, don’t be a wuss.


So, at the table we gather. With bread and wine

preparation for an eternity so fine

when we eat and drink with Him, face to face

impacted by God’s love, by His grace!

            d cross riggs  ©️  27 March 2024


           Friday to Saturday of Holy Week


Crucifixion’s curtain falls, darkness weeps

Temple’s veil, torn asunder, whispers secrets

earth trembles, soldier’s lips confess

“Surely this man was the Son of God!”


His lifeless body, cradled in borrowed stone

tears, fears, disciple’s hearts adrift

lost in sin’s tempest, where virtue bleeds

good slain by the product of evil’s seeds.


Jesus, undeterred, descends to Hell’s abyss

preaching the Gospel to skeptics, defiant souls

they yearn for God’s throne, reject His name

does heaven wait for destiny’s script.


On earthly shores, ignorance veils eyes

Jerusalem, unaware of impending dawn

in modern times, echoes of mystery persist

the sage discerns Easter’s whispered promise.


Where is the Amen? Does silence mock our faith?

or weaves a tapestry of hope

deluding not, beckoning toward eternity’s embrace.

very soon, life eternal shall rise triumphant!


The first Adam brought sin, death, and strife

the second Adam, Jesus, forgiveness, peace, and life.

            d cross riggs  ©️  29 March 2024


                   Resurrection Morning


Oh, ye of little faith, the echo resounds

a borrowed tomb

its confines a temporary dwelling

reserved for a weekend’s fleeting breath.


The disciples didn’t perceive, no rumor whispered

ressurection’ s pulse thrummed in prophecy

the Master’s words etched forever

those who mourned felt sorrow, not in vain.


The stone rolled away! Guards flee in terror!

burial cloth, neatly folded

dawn kisses the sepulcher’s threshold

He was gone – risen triumphant!


Miracle! An act of God, woven through time

ancient promises fulfilled

man’s fate, no longer Hell’s abyss

the door, Jesus, is open for all to embrace.


The cry of “then” echoes across to our “now”

Christ Jesus lives! Breathes! He Is Alive!

trust in Him, eternal life unfurls

our Creator’s gift, whispered through the ages.


Sound the trumpet, let the anthem soar

the great I Am remains, forevermore

giving humanity hope’s radiant dawn

peace, love, an eternal oneness with God.


Easter transcends bunnies, eggs, bonnets

it beckons to redemption, forgiveness

a new way of living, not merely forgiven

also to be forgiving, divine love to be living.

            d cross riggs  ©️  29 March 2024


             Easter Day Plus 1

 Easter is over, an amazing story

compassionate love, gritty, gory

miracles, betrayal, fears, tears

triumphant victory with cheers!


A dramatic slice of human life 

the bonding, the strife

between persons, within each one

ongoing, till life is done.


Easter is over, the drama continues 

it is part of divine venues

stones are rolled away 

Satan still has his devilment to play.


Jesus walked out of the tomb

told His followers to bloom

in faith, obedience, and sacred duty

wrapped in hopes and dreams, truly. 


Jesus, laughing, loving Jesus' call

is to follow Him, to give our all

life in heaven begins on earth

when we have our spiritual birth.

            d cross riggs  ©️  1 April 2024